Mini Maxx V2
On this page you will find all available updates for your Mini Maxx V2 device.
*This update is only for the V2, do not use this update on Mini Maxx V1 tuners*

Simply download the latest version and install the files following the instructions.
Version available Release date:November 2023
Update Instructions:
*This update is only for the V2, do not use this update on Mini Maxx V1 tuners*
You will Need:
- Windows PC with a free USB port
- The USB adapter included with the Mini Maxx (or a micro-SD card slot on your PC, common on laptops)
- The SD card from the tuner
How to install the update:
STEP 1: Prepare the SD card
Remove the SD card from your tuner and use the included Micro SD to USB adapter to connect the SD card to your Windows PC
Ensure your SD card is named exactly as follows without quotation marks: "MINI MAXX" If you are using a new SD card you will need to reformat it and rename it. When formatting the SD card you MUST ensure the "File System" is set to "FAT" (not FAT32 or exFAT)
STEP 2: Update the SD card
Extract the zipped folder to unpack the updater software
Open the updater software, if you get an error asking you to connect the MMV2 drive that means either the SD card is not properly connected to your PC or you opened the software before you inserted your SD card. Close the updater software, ensure your SD card is properly connected, and reopen the updater software
Let the updater download the correct files and update the SD card, eject the SD card when prompted, and reinstall it into your MMV2
Step 3: Update your Mini Maxx V2
With the updated SD card inserted into your MMV2 power on the tuner
Enter the Menu, scroll down, and select "Update Firmware"
Let the tuner update and reboot
Step 4: Update the tune on your truck
With the SD card and tuner updated and connected to your truck, power on the tuner, and ensure the correct vehicle is selected, you can chance the vehicle by selecting "Change Vehicle" in the menu
Reflash the PCM, enter the menu, and select "Install Download"
Follow the on-screen prompts until the new tune file is loaded
The update process is now complete
ALWAYS be sure to always have a battery charger supplying at least 10A at all times connected when flashing the PCM
If your tuner displays a "missing sd card" error after this process you are using the wrong file system, it must be "FAT". If your tuner displays an error about missing a specific file, this means you did not copy the files onto the SD card correctly, the most common cause is dragging the whole extracted folder onto the SD card when we specify you must drag only the files and folders within the extracted folder onto the SD card.
*please note: Due to a bug in the code, the version number will NOT change after an update, this will be fixed in the future as our priority is updating the tune files*